My Roadshow Experience

Taken at the Australian Genealogy Roadshow  2003

Chef's helpers Freya and Scott
At Robin and Melissa's house

Teddy with the Chef

Registration - Adelaide

What's on Next - Melbourne

Helping Hand
with Bob Velke - Melbourne


Dinner - Canberra

Catching up with Email
- Sydney

Robin's stand - Sydney

Final Dinner - Sydney

The Team 1

The Team 2



The Roadshow Team (2) personnel

 L to R

Rod Neep, Alan Philips, Anthea Philips, Robin Lamacraft, Gay Neep, Bob Velke, Cathy Velke, Bryan Wetton

Absent - Steven and Alana Philips, and Dave Fisher

My thanks to my colleagues for a great time!


Created © 2003 by Bryan Wetton