Welcome to BeeSoft

- Data Management software for TMG -

(under development)

Global Timeline Creation Tool- no longer available
(under development)
TMG Tags Management Tool- no longer available

Latest version
PathWiz! V10 and V11
Our TMG Exhibits Management tool

Contact BeeSoft (under development)
Mailout and Mapping tool

Updated on 01 Mar 2024

BeeSoft started developing utility software to be used in conjunction with
The Master Genealogist (TMG) by Wholly Genes Software around 2002 when certain constraints were noticed when attempting to print users charts with multiple exhibits - possibly in many different folders.

Robin Lamacraft of Sceya (Chart Printers) approached us to assist in some of the problems he was having.

So PathWiz! was born in 2004. It has run on all versions of Windows from XP up to and including Win 11.

As time passed more facilities were added and it has become an all-purpose image/exhibit management piece of software appreciated by its many users.

See here for users compliments

Since version 8 PathWiz! has been modified to fully utilize the new path arrangements implemented since TMG v7

Further Development Work - on hold since Jan 2013

Enjoy! - Bryan's BeeSoft BeeSoft logo