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Latest news 8 March 2024

No further development of PathWiz! is anticipated however some enhancements have been made.

I have republished the PathWiz! V10 web pages as they were in 2014 with some amendments. Most links should work but any date/time or Windows version numbers will of course not reflect 2024. However I have been running the last version of PathWiz! V10 on my Win 11 PC. Note:there may be bugs that were not dealt with in 2014 - so be it.

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Version 10


Updated on 29 Feb 2024

- Latest Version available in late 2014 - Compatible with TMG V9 and

runs on all versions of Windows from XP up to and including Win 11

All are welcome to try out the FreeWare version 8  of PathWiz! (compatible with TMG V9)

 - click this link -  FreeWare download and use the 'Try it Now' sticker. See also below for fine print


Getting Lost finding your exhibits in TMG?

Then you need PathWiz!

What is PathWiz? click here to scroll down for description

Index of PathWiz! Help pages - see videos of operations (all Help items generally apply to V10 also)


Version 10 - Upgraded English Version

Improved feature in PathWiz! 10

1 Corrected presentation of the Citation ID and other details on Exhibit Catalogue.

   and from version  9

1 The ability to [Filter] the exhibit browses using a SURNAME or PATH.

      This will enable TMG users with large numbers of exhibits in one folder to create a folder tree for their exhibits and copy the existing exhibit files into them.

2 A new Editing Aid option in the Reports which can be handy when comparing and Editing captions ( in csv or txt format).

3 Expansion of Caption and Reference fields in the CSV Report.

4 The inclusion of # of Missing Exhibits, # of ThumbNails and # of datasets with exhibits  on Step 2 Information

5 Another option in Additional Global Actions to automatically update the app.ini file with your exhibits folders 'tree' paths - saves manual adding in VFI.

6  New Options Screen - via button on LHS Main Screen

7 Option to Re-use the stored last project data if no changes made since last run. (Saves startup time)

8 Option for extended log file if required ( troubleshooting aid)

9 Import now allows extra Exhibit Log data to be written to any existing exhibit - template for Import can be written out when PathWiz! opens the tables.

10 PathWiz! can now be set to only use exhibits from a particular dataset.

11 New reporting  engine allowing output to be written to the disk in several formats.

12 Presentation of the Citation ID and subsource on Exhibit Catalogue.


Following requests from users a number of options have been included in  V9 - see here

and from version  8

1 Automatic screen size adjustment to give a 'as big as possible' frame for the 'Filter' screens available under [View/Modify] plus a [Screen] button to allow a shorter screen for use on widescreen monitors or on a flat panel TV.

2 An 'Advanced' mode  with 3 options

 a   - The ability to output to disk files both Internal Exhibits, and External exhibits to reduced size 'skinny' files (a la Thumbnails) stored in the exhibits table. These are saved as files with the exhibit number in a single folder of your choice.
 b  - The ability to 'swap' between the normal exhibits and these 'skinny' files. This is of interest to VCF users who find the use of 'normal size' exhibits in a large project may cause VCF to stop printing. They would also be useful in other applications such as WebPages. Internal exhibits can also be written to the same folder.
  c - An alternative indexing option using an internal routine ( cleaner solution to the need to reindex) but this may not  work on all machines particularly Vista. - instant reindexing removed from V9 - wait till TMG next opened.

3 -  Use of TMG V7 paths in place of those used in TMG V6.

and from version 7 (released only as an upgrade)

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The  retail Versions of PathWiz! prior to Version 9
are no longer available

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What is PathWiz?

The following is a general description of PathWiz!  operation - see screen shots in the Help pages for more detail. (Release version's screens may differ slightly from those shown here.)

The PathWiz!  program is an exhibit and path management tool which allows you to access a TMG  project database table ( dbf ) containing paths to and information attached to exhibits  ( graphical images and other files ) stored anywhere on your local PC. If you are changing computer storage arrangements or sending your backup (sqz) files to a chart printing service you may wish to consolidate all the required image files into one folder.

In addition, the ability to directly edit the Topic, Reference, Description and Caption fields of a list of  related exhibits (for example - External Images attached to persons) from one screen with the ability to see the actual images both internal and external provided they are available.

On the way a 'Comprehensive Exhibit Catalogue' may be produced both internally and in MSWord - effectively an inventory of all exhibits.

The PathWiz! program operates in a number of steps and maintains complete protection of your original data files. TMG itself will be closed during use of PathWiz!

Please note:
As PathWiz! is designed to allow you to alter details of exhibits in your TMG projects (which may contain one or more data sets), we would always advise you to create a backup of a project in TMG before you begin using PathWiz!

Alternatively, for safety you may prefer to work on a copy of your project whilst leaving your main project untouched until you have completed your changes. When you are happy with your changes you can then designate the copy to be your main project.

PathWiz! allows you to work on both unlocked and locked data sets (i.e. if you wish to produce a specific report from a locked data set), however, if you choose to refresh a locked data set in TMG's Data Set Manager changes made in the locked data set will be lost.

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There are 10 functional steps within PathWiz! to undertake the main path/information changing activities for which PathWiz! was originaly designed.

See Ten Steps

After Step3 when all the TMG tables are ready further Actions are available - see Global Actions

The descriptions of the main functions steps are expanded on and illustrated in the HELP within PathWiz! or view them online see below.

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Please click for the latest HELP pages or our FAQ (frequently asked questions)

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FreeWare Version

Download the FreeWare version of PathWiz! 8
(ca 10.7 Mb)


The FreeWare version does not have:-

For a more detailed retail/free version comparison please see our Version History and Features page.

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If you wish to try PathWiz! the final Full Retail Version 10 is available from the author No guarantees for correct operation are given.

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Comment by Robin Lamacraft of 'Sceya Charts C2004'who produced Panoramic printed colour Charts at that time

'I have used it (an early beta) successfully to unpick several projects that have been moved from one machine to a new one where the old Exhibit paths were no longer valid.'